Others have written and documented extensively about the pressing need for a turnkey solution for the homeless, caught in a vicious cycle of shelters, streets, and ER visits.

Outreach Village wants to help break the cycle.

article Marcia Volk article Marcia Volk

2021 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress

The 2021 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress: The number of sheltered individuals identified as chronically homeless increased by 20 percent between 2020 and 2021. This trend in the sheltered chronically homeless individual population runs counter to the decrease for all sheltered individuals.

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article Marcia Volk article Marcia Volk

Housing Supply and the Drivers of Homelessness

Homelessness is an increasingly salient policy issue across all levels of government—as well as a contentious political one. While urban communities and their representatives often frame the issue in terms of public safety, substance use, and mental health, some policy researchers emphasize the relationship between homelessness and housing markets.

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article Marcia Volk article Marcia Volk

Why Homeless Shelters Are Good

For those experiencing homelessness or who have mental health issues, transitional or supportive housing and homelessness shelters are a good place for you to stay. A person who is homeless is commonly suffering from poverty, unemployment, or a lack of affordable housing.

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article Marcia Volk article Marcia Volk

Homeless: Is Camping the Answer?

Daniel Shockley says he’s been homeless, “About four months, this time.” Shockley had been living with his girlfriend near Modesto’s Fourth Street when a breakup left him with nowhere to go but the park.

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article Marcia Volk article Marcia Volk

5 Harsh Realities Of Homeless Camps Nobody Talks About

If you live in a major American city, you've probably seen your fair share of homeless camps. They usually crop up in empty lots, parks, and Big Rock Candy Mountains. City governments generally have them torn down and cleaned up whenever they can. Leaving aside whether or not that's the right way to address homelessness, somebody has to do the work of cleaning those places up. Our source, Carol, did just that. She told us how ...

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article Marcia Volk article Marcia Volk

Using Shelter Strategically to End Homelessness

It is clear there are significant geographic differences in the progress toward ending homelessness that we’re seeing in communities. While some communities are documenting significant reductions in their annual Point-in-Time counts, other communities are faced with increasing numbers of people living unsheltered.

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article Marcia Volk article Marcia Volk

The Problem of Homeless Encampments

This guide addresses homeless encampments, also known as transient camps. It begins by describing the problem and reviewing factors that contribute to it. It then identifies a series of questions to help you analyze your local problem. Finally, it reviews responses to the problem and what is known about them from evaluative research and police practice.

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article Marcia Volk article Marcia Volk

Austin's Community First! Village

Welcome to the most talked about neighborhood in Austin, Texas! Community First! Village is a 51-acre master planned community that provides affordable, permanent housing and a supportive community for men and women coming out of chronic homelessness.

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